Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good Sam Dogs!

Sunday morning I bathed little dogs. I clipped and pedi-pawed their toenails. I slicked down the Nigelito and brushed Sir Roddy and they were HANDSOME! Why did I take all the time to groom and primp two little pipsqueak dogs on a damp Sunday morning? They had a job to do! The boys and I volunteered to help out a Girl Scout who is near and dear to us who is working toward her Silver Award. She and two other girls organized a Pet Expo where Girl Scouts from three different levels were able to obtain their Pet Care badges. As it turns out there were close to 70 girls that participated!!! I don't think these dogs have ever been petted so much in their entire lives! Other than Roddy barking his face off at the first group of girls (I think he was a little intimidated by 20 something pre-teens) the dogs did GREAT! Nigel was calm and patient and Roddy was just excited and wanted to lick everyone in the face! I think one or both dogs would be great candidates for the Canine Good Citizen Training so we could visit Senior centers and such! It was a great day and the dogs and I were happy to support one of our favorite Girl Scouts! Here is a quick shot of the boys, waiting patiently for their next group of admirers! ;)
That'll do boys... that'll do!

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