Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer garden is shaping up!

I went out to water this morning and what did I find?
 Hehehehehehe!  Actually three of the 6 tomato vines have baby tomatoes and I'm SO excited!  I don't know why I was so surprised and mean look at these big, beautiful things!  The one in the back is almost as tall as me!
So far, eggplant is growing and flowering well, my burgundy okra is flowering (we found 3 little okra this morning), chives are kickin', parsley is out of control (which is good because I wanted there to be enough for me AND the caterpillars!), the regular okra is growing well and the Chinese green beans (aka yard long beans) are already to the top of their tepees, not sure what happens now!
A close up of those gorgeous beans!  Now let's hope they produce as well as they grow!  My goal is to have a freezer full of green beans by the end of summer!
Black-eyed peas are doin' their thing as well.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love my little garden?  I've gotta say though, this drought isn't helping!  First we had a sucky winter that damn near killed off that season's garden, now I'm fighting with this drought.  Note to the gods of weather:  Please send some good drenching rain at least twice a week for the next 4 months.  We would greatly appreciate it if it were just rain.  No hail, heavy wind or tornadoes.  Thanks in advance!

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