Friday, October 16, 2009

Little Mama Goes to Sin City

So, here's the scoop... Big Daddy and I snuck off to Vegas for a few days sans rugrats! I went from being annoyed about it to being excited about it and then back to being annoyed again. To be perfectly honest, I never cared about going to Las Vegas. I literally could have gone my entire life without going there and not felt bad! I totally SUCK at gambling, I am NOT a huge party animal, and I'm poor! But most of all, I have always viewed Vegas as a place of absolute decadence and waste. The amount of water used for all of the golf courses, fountains and swimming pools, the wasted food from all of those giganto buffets, not to mention the energy needed to fuel all the lights and air-conditioners! As an environmentally conscious person, this place goes against everything I believe in. Yet there it was, the opportunity for a free trip to Vegas with my hubby with no kids. Seriously, I would have gone just about anywhere to get some one-on-one adult time with him, so I sucked it up and decided to go with an open mind to see what Vegas was all about. The next couple of posts will chronicle my Vegas Experience. Enjoy!

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