Thursday, April 2, 2009

Takin' them out for a test run!

It's that time folks. Time for a little Piggy to venture into the potty realm. I have to be completely honest here, I HATE potty training (or potty-learning if I want to be PC about it)! I know there are folks out there that have potty trained their little angels in one weekend. I also know of kids that just decided they were done with diapers and potty trained themselves. No such luck here! When it was time for the Monkey Man to leave diapers behind, it was a 3 month battle of wills, with him ending up victorious in most instances! Granted, we eventually got through it and I'm happy to report my son will NOT go to college in Pull-Ups! But it was a struggle and it seemed as though every minute of every day revolved around the toilet and bodily functions!

Now it's the Piggy's turn! She shows interest in the potty itself, but not so much in doing the "DEED" in the potty. Her bears and dollies are quite adept at using the potty, but not the Piggy. However, I recently discovered that she longs for "Big Girl" undies, so I decided to buy a pack to see if I could well... bribe her to use the potty. I got them washed and she tried them on yesterday. She LOVED them! And I have to give her credit, she wore them for almost 3 hours, asked to use the potty 5 or 6 times (only once was productive, but hey) and stayed dry the whole time. I think we will have Evening Undie Time for a couple of weeks and then see if we can expand from there. All you mamas out there, please send good potty vibes my way, I'm gonna need 'em!

1 comment:

  1. We are in the same boat as you. The kiddo can do it when she wants too. When we ask her if she wants to use the potty, we get "No!" as an answer.
    We feel your pain.
